UNICROSS Postgraduate Admission Form 2024/2025 – How to Apply
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University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) Postgraduate Admission Form for 2024/2025 is now available. Find out how to apply and meet the requirements. Read on for details.

The University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), formerly known as Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH), has announced the sale of Postgraduate Admission Forms for the 2024/2025 academic session.
Applications are open to qualified candidates seeking admission into Postgraduate Diplomas, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees across various faculties and departments.
This opportunity is available for both full-time and part-time studies.
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Available Postgraduate Programmes at UNICROSS
UNICROSS offers a wide range of postgraduate programmes.
1. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry – (Obubra Campus)Department of Agricultural Economics and ExtensionAgricultural Economics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Agricultural Extension: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of AgronomyAgronomy: PGD, M.Sc.
Department of Animal ScienceAnimal Science: PGD, M.Sc.
Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Animal Health Management: PGD
Wildlife Health Management: PGD
Fish Health Management: PGD
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesFisheries and Aquatic Sciences: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of Forestry and Wildlife ResourcesForestry and Wildlife Resources Management: PGD, M.Sc.
2. Faculty of Communication and Media Studies – (Calabar Campus)Mass CommunicationPGD
M.Sc., Ph.D with specialisations in:Public Relations
Development Communication
Marketing Communication
Political Communication
3. Faculty of Education – (Calabar Campus)Department of Educational ManagementPlanning: M.Ed, Ph.D
Supervision: M.Ed, Ph.D
Department of Guidance and CounsellingGuidance and Counselling: M.Ed, Ph.D
Department of Educational Foundations and Childhood EducationEducation: PGDE
Early Childhood Education: M.Ed
Educational Measurement and Evaluation: M.Ed, Ph.D
Educational Psychology: M.Ed, Ph.D
Philosophy of Education: M.Ed, Ph.D
Department of Curriculum and Instructional TechnologyScience Education: M.Sc., Ph.D
Technical Education: M.Sc.
4. Faculty of Engineering – (Calabar Campus)Department of Electrical/Electronics EngineeringPower Systems and Machines: PGD, M.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D
Electronic Communication Engineering: PGD, M.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D
Control Systems Engineering: PGD, M.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D
Department of Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering: PGD, PGDCE, M.Eng., Ph.D
Materials and Construction Management: M.Eng., Ph.D
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering: M.Eng., Ph.D
Highway and Transportation Engineering: M.Eng., Ph.D
Structural Engineering: M.Eng., Ph.D
Department of Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering: PGD
Energy and Power: M.Eng.
Material Science: M.Eng.
Design and Production Engineering: M.Eng.
Department of Wood Products EngineeringWood Product Engineering: PGD
Wood Processing and Utilisation: M.Eng.
Pulp and Paper Technology: M.Eng.
Wood Energy and Environmental Management: M.Eng.
5. Faculty of ArchitectureDepartment of ArchitectureArchitecture: M.Tech., M.Phil./Ph.D
Construction Project Management (Sustainable Architecture): M.Tech., M.Phil./Ph.D
Note: No admission for PGD in Architecture.
6. Faculty of Environmental Sciences – (Calabar Campus)Department of Estate ManagementEstate Management: PGD, M.Tech., Ph.D
Department of Urban and Regional PlanningLandscape Planning: PGD
Urban and Regional Planning: PGD, M.Tech., Ph.D
Department of Visual Arts and TechnologyVisual Arts and Technology: PGD, MA (Arts Education), MFA, Ph.D
Art History: MA
Art Education: MA
Ceramics: MFA
Graphics: MFA
Painting: MFA
Sculpture: MFA
Textiles: MFA
7. Faculty of Management Sciences – (Ogoja and Calabar Campuses)Department of AccountancyAccountancy: PGD, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Department of FinanceBanking and Finance: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Finance: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of Business AdministrationBusiness Administration: MBA
Management: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of MarketingMarketing: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of Hospitality and TourismHospitality: PGD, M.Sc.
8. Faculty of Physical Sciences – (Calabar Campus)Department of MathematicsMathematics: PGD, M.Sc.
Department of StatisticsStatistics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of PhysicsSolid State Physics and Electronics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Engineering Physics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Radiation/Medical Physics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Environmental Physics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Applied Geophysics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Theoretical/Mathematical Physics: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of ChemistryChemistry: PGD
Biochemistry: M.Sc.
Analytical Chemistry: M.Sc.
Environmental Chemistry: M.Sc.
Food Chemistry: M.Sc.
Organic Chemistry: M.Sc.
Physical Chemistry: M.Sc.
Inorganic Chemistry: M.Sc.
Department of BiochemistryBiochemistry: PGD, M.Sc.
Environmental Biochemistry: M.Sc.
Industrial Biochemistry and Biotechnology: M.Sc.
Nutritional Biochemistry: M.Sc.
Molecular Biology: M.Sc.
Department of Computer ScienceComputer Science: PGD, M.Sc.
9. Faculty of Biological SciencesDepartment of MicrobiologyMicrobiology: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Parasitology: M.Sc., Ph.D
Environmental Microbiology/Public Health: M.Sc.
Public Health, Parasitology and Geospatiology: MPH
Industrial and Food Microbiology: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Medical Microbiology: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
Department of Plant Science and BiotechnologyPlant Science and Biotechnology: PGD
Plant Breeding and Genetics: M.Sc., Ph.D
Plant Pathology/Mycology: M.Sc.
Plant Biotechnology: M.Sc.
Department of Animal and Environmental BiologyAnimal and Environmental Biology: PGD, M.Sc., Ph.D
10. Faculty of Basic Medical SciencesDepartment of Anatomy and Forensic AnthropologyAnatomy: PGD, M.Sc.
Department of Medical PhysiologyPhysiology: PGD, M.Sc.
Department of Medical BiochemistryMedical Biochemistry: PGD, M.Sc.
Admission Requirements for UNICROSS Postgraduate Programmes
General RequirementsCandidates must possess a minimum of 5 credits, including English Language and four other relevant subjects, obtained at not more than two sittings.
Candidates with ‘O’ Level results from 2015 or earlier must present original certificates; statements of results or result slips will not be accepted.
Written letters of permission from employers are required for employed candidates seeking admission.
Specific Requirements
Admission Requirements for Diploma Programmes
General CriteriaBachelor’s Degree: Minimum of Third Class Honours in the relevant field of study from UNICROSS or any other Senate-recognised university.
HND: Minimum of Lower Credit in the relevant field of study from an NBTE-accredited institution recognised by the Senate of UNICROSS.
Additional ProvisionsPostgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Economics and Extension (PGD – AEE)
Bachelor’s degree or HND in Economics, Sociology, or Sociology and Anthropology may also be accepted.
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science/Animal, Fish, and Wildlife Health Management
Bachelor’s degree or HND in Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, or related disciplines. Only Animal Science/Animal Health degrees are acceptable for PGD in Animal Science.
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
HND at Lower Credit level in any discipline from an NBTE-accredited institution.
Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering (PGD – EE)
Bachelor’s degree with at least Second Class Lower Division in Physics, Mathematics, or Physics/Electronics.
Postgraduate Diploma in Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of Third Class Honours in the relevant field.
Postgraduate Diploma in Wood Products Engineering
Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of Third Class Honours in the relevant field.
Postgraduate Diploma in Biological Sciences Programmes (PGD – M.CB, AEB, and PSB)
Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, or Agricultural Sciences at Second Class Lower Division.Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology
Postgraduate Diploma in Animal and Environmental Biology
Postgraduate Diploma in Plant Science and Biotechnology
Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics (PGD-M) and Statistics (PGD-S)
Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences (e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Engineering) or HND at Lower Credit in a related discipline.
Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Bachelor’s degree at Second Class Lower Division in a related discipline.
Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Planning (PGD-LP)
HND at Lower Credit level or Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences, Engineering Sciences, or Social Sciences.
Postgraduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning (PGD-URP)
Same requirements as PGD-LP, with the addition of HND (Lower Credit) or Bachelor’s degree in Law.
Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry
Bachelor’s degree or HND in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Technology, Education Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Science Laboratory Technology, or related fields with at least Lower Credit or Pass and CGPA of 2.75.
Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry
Same as the requirements for Biochemistry.
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science
Third Class degree or HND (Upper Credit) in any science-related field.
Postgraduate Diploma in Anatomy, Medical Biochemistry, and Physiology
Available for candidates with Third Class degrees in Anatomy, Medical Biochemistry, Physiology, Radiography, or other relevant fields in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences.
Admission Requirements for Masters Degree Programmes
General RequirementsBachelor’s Degree:Minimum of Second Class Lower Division with a CGPA of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) or 3.00 (on a 5.0 scale) in the relevant field from UNICROSS or any Senate-recognised university.
Bachelor’s Degree with PGD:Minimum of Third Class Honours plus a Postgraduate Diploma with a CGPA of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) or 3.00 (on a 5.0 scale) in the relevant field.
HND with PGD:Minimum of Lower Credit in the relevant field, with a Postgraduate Diploma meeting the same CGPA requirement as above, from an NBTE-accredited institution.
Special Cases for Masters DegreesM.Sc. in AgricultureBachelor’s degree at a minimum of Second Class Lower Division (CGPA 2.75 on a 4.0 scale or 3.00 on a 5.0 scale) in Agriculture or related disciplines (e.g., Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, etc.).
M.Sc. in Mass CommunicationBachelor’s degree at a minimum of Second Class Lower Division (CGPA 3.00 on a 5.0 scale) in any communication-related field. Candidates with lower CGPA may be considered based on professional practice.
M.Sc. in Science and Technical EducationBachelor’s degree or HND in Natural/Applied Sciences, Engineering, or Technology Education.
M.Ed. DegreesBachelor’s degree or HND in any discipline as specified in general requirements.
M.Ed. in Philosophy of Education:Requires 5 O’level credits (including English and Maths).
Bachelor’s degree in Education or a recognised discipline with a PGDE.
M.Tech. in ArchitectureAdmission based on CGPA and professional requirements for Second Class Lower Division graduates.
Ph.D. in Science EducationCandidates must hold an M.Ed. in a related specialisation with a minimum CGPA of 4.00 or 60%.
M.Eng. in Electrical/Electronics EngineeringBachelor’s degree at Second Class Upper Division in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or equivalent.
Alternatively, Second Class Lower Division or HND (Upper Credit) with a PGD in the relevant field.
M.Eng. in Civil EngineeringBachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or related field with a CGPA of 3.0.
PGD in Civil Engineering with CGPA of 3.5 or higher.
M.Eng. in Mechanical EngineeringMinimum of Second Class Lower Division in Mechanical Engineering or related discipline.
PGD with CGPA of 3.5 or higher.
M.Eng. in Wood Products EngineeringSame requirements as Mechanical Engineering.
M.Sc. in AccountancyBachelor’s degree or MBA in Accountancy with minimum CGPA of 2.75 (on 4.0 scale) or 3.00 (on 5.0 scale).
M.Sc. in FinanceHND, Bachelor’s degree, or PGD in Finance, Banking, Economics, or related fields.
MBA in related fields also considered.
M.Sc. in ManagementSecond Class Upper Division in Management, Marketing, Economics, or related fields.
Second Class Lower Division with PGD or MBA may also be accepted.
M.Sc. in MarketingSimilar requirements to Management.
M.Sc. in Biological and Environmental SciencesBachelor’s degree, HND, or PGD in Biology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, or related fields.
M.Sc. in PhysicsBachelor’s degree, HND, or PGD in Physics, Physical Sciences, or Engineering.
M.Sc. in ChemistryBachelor’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Technology, or related fields with CGPA of 3.00 (on 5.0 scale) or 2.75 (on 4.0 scale).
M.Sc. in BiochemistryBachelor’s degree in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or related fields with CGPA of 3.0 (on 5.0 scale).
M.Sc. in Computer ScienceSecond Class Lower Division in Computer Science.
Third Class or HND (Upper Credit) with PGD in Computer Science at Credit Level.
M.Tech. in Urban and Regional PlanningBachelor’s degree with Honours in Urban and Regional Planning or related disciplines.
PGD in Urban and Regional Planning or Landscape Planning Technology.
M.Tech. in Estate ManagementBachelor’s degree in Estate Management or related fields.
PGD in Estate Management.
Admission Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Programmes
General RequirementsA Master’s degree in the relevant field with:Minimum CGPA of 4.0 (on a 5.0-point scale) or 60% average score.
Bachelor’s degree where specified in certain cases.
Programme-Specific RequirementsAgricultureMaster’s degree in Agriculture or related disciplines (e.g., Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Breeding) with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Only Bachelor’s degree holders in Animal Science/Animal Health are eligible for the Ph.D in Animal Science.
Plant Breeding, Parasitology, Microbiology, and Animal & Environmental BiologyMaster’s degree in Plant Breeding, Parasitology, or Applied Microbiology with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Candidates with a Master’s in Biology must have a PGD in Plant Breeding, Parasitology, or Applied Microbiology.
StatisticsMaster’s degree in Statistics with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Master’s degree in Mathematics plus a PGD in Statistics.
Mass Communication:M.A., M.Sc., or M.Phil. in Mass Communication or Journalism with a CGPA of 3.5 on a 5.0-point scale.
Educational Management:M.Ed. in Educational Management with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Guidance and Counselling:M.Ed. in the specialisation with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Science Education:M.Ed. in the area of specialisation with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Philosophy of Education:M.Ed. in the area of specialisation with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Estate Management:M.Sc. in Estate Management with at least 60% or CGPA of 4.0.
Architecture:Master’s degree in Architecture or related field with CGPA of 3.5 on a 5.0-point scale.
Urban and Regional Planning:Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning or related disciplines with a CGPA of 3.5 on a 5.0-point scale or 3.0 on a 4.0-point scale.
Visual Arts:Master’s degree in a related discipline with CGPA of 3.5 on a 5.0-point scale.
Research proposal (maximum of 5 pages) required, including title, description, problem statement, objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and bibliography.
Electrical/Electronic Engineering:Master’s degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering with CGPA of 3.0 (4.0 scale) or 3.5 (5.0 scale).
M.Phil. in Electrical/Electronic Engineering may also be accepted.
Accountancy:M.Sc. in Accountancy with CGPA of 4.0 on a 5.0-point scale and at least 60% (B grade) in the Master’s thesis.
Finance:M.Sc. in Finance or Banking and Finance with CGPA of 4.0 on a 5.0-point scale and at least 60% (B grade) in the Master’s thesis.
Management:M.Sc. in Management with CGPA of 4.0 on a 5.0-point scale and at least 60%.
Marketing:Same as requirements for Management.
Physics:Master’s degree in Physics, Geophysics, Meteorology, or related subjects from a recognised university, meeting the general admission requirements of the Graduate School.
Duration of Postgraduate Programmes
Postgraduate programmes are available as Full-Time or Part-Time options, with durations varying by programme and study mode.
A. Full-Time StudiesGeneral DurationMaster’s Programmes:Minimum: 1 year
Maximum: 2 years
Ph.D Programmes:Minimum: 3 years
Maximum: 6 years
Specific DurationsPostgraduate Diplomas (PGD):Minimum: 12 months (1 academic session)
Maximum: 24 months
Professional PGD in Landscape Planning and Urban and Regional Planning:Minimum: 18 months
Maximum: 27 months
Master’s Degrees (M.Sc., M.A., MFA, M.Ed., M.Eng., M.Tech.):Minimum: 18 months
Maximum: 24 months
B. Part-Time StudiesGeneral DurationPart-Time programmes require at least 1.5 times the minimum duration for their equivalent Full-Time programmes.
Specific NotesMaster’s degrees (M.Sc., M.A., M.Ed., etc.):Minimum: 2 years
Maximum: 4 years
Ph.D Programmes:Minimum: 6 years
Maximum: 6 years
Application GuidelinesApplicants for Part-Time studies must clearly mark their application forms and envelopes with “PART-TIME ADMISSION.”
Applications for Master’s, M.Phil., and Ph.D. programmes must include concept notes that provide an overview of the proposed research area.
Programme StructureCoursework:
All postgraduate programmes begin with classroom-based coursework.
Final Projects:Postgraduate Diplomas: End with a project work.
Master’s and Ph.D Degrees: Conclude with theses or dissertations.
Application Procedure for UNICROSS Postgraduate Admission
Follow the steps below to apply:Visit UNICROSS Postgraduate Portal to browse available courses and requirements.
Pay a non-refundable fee of ₦20,000 at Zenith Bank PLC, 34 Chamley Street, Calabar.
Exchange the bank teller for an official receipt at the UNICROSS Postgraduate School.
Collect and complete the application and transcript request forms.
Submit the application form with the following documents:Payment receipt.
Three referee report forms.
Photocopies of all academic certificates.
NYSC Discharge Certificate or Exemption Letter.
Release letter from your employer (if applicable).
Submission Deadline
Completed forms must be submitted within six weeks of the publication date.
Late submissions will not be considered.
Take the next step in your academic journey by applying for a postgraduate programme at the University of Cross River State (UNICROSS).