The Lipton Extra Strong Launch And Tea Party Was Held On The 29th January 2022, At The African Anchor Hall, Ado Bayero Mall, Shoprite, Kano

The Lipton Extra Strong launch and tea party was held on the 29th January 2022, at the African Anchor Hall, Ado Bayero Mall, Shoprite, Kano.

The event was tagged “Lipton Tea Party: The Unveiling”. There was a perfect feel of the Arewa culture in every respect, from the music to the hosting and even food, such as danwake, masa, gurasa and suya.

The venue also had a typically northern ambience, with mats on the ground and tumtum (floor pillows) to lean on and other traditional northern decorations.

The event had traditional Hausa performers; some of which were the Shantu and Koroso band giving an electric performance and bringing everyone closer to home.

There was also a blend of modern contemporary northern performance from Nomiis Gee, a prominent Hausa HipHop artist in northern Nigeria.

The event was hosted by Kannywood legend, Abbas Sadiq Abbas, a popular actor and northern TV presenter, flanked by the delectable Umma Shehu, a popular Kannywood actress. The duo anchored the event with a mix of Hausa and English or what is referred to as INGAUSA

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